I am reminded in my quiet time with the Lord this morning, of His greatness. As a read the first 5 chapters of Job, He quiets my spirit and assures me I am His. His power and Majesty are literally incomprehensible, yet He has given us revelation by way of His Word. He has accommodated us with "baby talk" so that we might catch a glimpse of His glory. Like Moses (Exodus 33:21-23) was given a glimpse of Gods glory, so we can see in His sacred Word the glory of the Lord revealed. Therefore, we can trust in the Lord`s deliverance for His people. In times of struggle and pain; in times of hardships and persecutions, in oppression and tyranny, we can say with the psalmist, "I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever." Ps. 52:8b We have confidence in our God for He has decreed and set forth all that shall come to pass and nothing, absolutely nothing is outside of the Lord`s providence. He is our Shepherd and our Rock; our Deliverer and our Salvation. The Lord has given us His solemn promise, by which He has swore unto Himself, that he will do as He says. His covenant through Abraham is our promise today and I will rejoice in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised. The gospel is glorious by which God, through His Son, is reconciling the world unto Himself. I praise thee Lord and worship you, by your grace, with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. Be glorified my Priest, Prophet and King.
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on Monday, August 31, 2009
at 8:04 AM
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Providence and Majesty,
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